About us

Key Personnel

Konstantin Yenkoyan

M.D. PhD, DSc is the Vice-Rector for Science, Head of Neuroscience laboratory and Professor at Biochemistry Department of YSMU.

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Lusine Danielyan

M.D., Assistant Professor, Head of Laboratory of Cellular/Molecular Pharmacology at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at EKUT.

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Deniz Kirik

MD, PhD, Professor at Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems of Lund University

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Hoa Huu Phuc Nguyen

Prof., board certified Clinical Geneticist, Director of the Department of Human Genetics at RUB.

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Aaron Ciechanover

M.D., DSc., distinguished research professor, Laureate of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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Zaven Khachaturian

PhD, President, “Campaign to Prevent Alzheimer 2020”, Editor-in-Chief, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: J. Alz. Assoc.

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Nicole Deglon

Head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurotherapies, Lausanne University Hospital

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Allan V. Kalueff

PhD, Professor of Neuroscience Director, ZENEREI Research Center, Neuroscience and Pharmacology Lab

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Jacek Jaworski

PhD, Full Professor, Deputy Director for Science & Head of Lab, International Institute Of Molecular and Cell Biology

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Work Packages

WP1 — Project Management

The aim of this WP is to ensure the successful and efficient
implementation of the overall project in terms of handling administrative, technical, financial issues and
timely reporting.

WP2 — Establishment of neuroscience research structure and policy

The aim of this WP is to develop and/or refine strategies, policies, procedures for establishing new mechanisms of effective research management.

WP3 — Investment in early stage researchers

The aim of this WP is to develop the professional and general competences of early stage researchers.

WP4 — Broadening research career opportunities for faculty and early stage researchers

The aim of this WP is to increase the attractiveness of the University research and boost better research career opportunities.

WP5 — Setting up technology transfer office

The aim of this WP is to increase the attractiveness of the University research and boost better research career opportunities.

WP6 — Increasing the visibility of YSMU and BREC

The aim of this WP is to provide stakeholders at national, European and International level, with information concerning COBRAIN activities, events, achievements.


May 16, 2024 Nov 06, 2023 Oct 31, 2023