MD, PhD, Professor at Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems of ULUND
MD, PhD, Professor at Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems of ULUND
Prof. Deniz Kirik MD, PhD (M) – is one of the leading investigators in the field of neurodegenerative diseases with special focus on translational studies and development of cell and gene based therapies. Within a short time-frame he has been able to create a signature of a substantial research effort with high impact and international recognition in the field of experimental and translational neuroscience with special focus in gene therapy for basal ganglia disorders. His research team has the capability to convert experimental findings to programs that lead to exploratory trials in humans and in this way profile him with distinction among its competitors internationally. He has been at the forefront of the development of clinically relevant animal models for neurodegenerative diseases, as well as implementation of behavioral and translational imaging end-points with improved predictive validity. Prof Kirik received prestigious awards from the European Research Council in 2009 and 2012, named as the Maria and Allan Myers Fellow in 2010. He is an associate editor of European Journal of Neuroscience, and editorial board member of a new Nature Journal Parkinson’s disease.