Lund University (ULUND) is the largest institution of research and higher education in Sweden with eight faculties and several research centres and specialized schools
hosting about 47.000 students. The Medical Faculty is the largest in the school and constitutes 40% of the total activities of education and even larger part of the
research. Research in the field of Neuroscience is the largest and one of the most successful activities at Lund University. There are currently over 450 researchers
that are working in this area providing a rich and interactive environment to the individual scientists. The school takes special pride in its focus on
neurodegenerative diseases research, as investigators in this group are world-leading experts in their respective fields, and attract high amount of competitive grants both at the national and international level. Several investigators, including the two hosting laboratories in this application, are among the most highly cited and very productive scientists. ULUND has one of Sweden’s strongest and broadest research environments and is recognised as one of the world's top research-led comprehensive universities. It is a comprehensive research university and in recent years has been awarded more research funding than any other Swedish full-scale university. Among its main tasks ULUND implements MultiPark which is a translational programme that ranges from pre-clinical research to studies on the life situation of patients with Parkinson’s disease. The programme not only aims to improve the patients' body function but also their activity and participation.